Please cite our paper in any published work that uses any of these resources.

  title={Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection in Bengali},
  author={Das, Mithun and Banerjee, Somnath and Saha, Punyajoy and Mukherjee, Animesh},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.03479},

Folder Description 👈

./Dataset   --> Contains the Annotated dataset Details
./Codes     --> Coming soon.


Make sure to use Python3 when running the scripts. The package requirements can be obtained by running pip install -r requirements.txt.


Check out the Dataset folder to get the Tweet IDs of the annotated corpus ⚠️ Please use the offical Twitter API to crawl the dataset from Twitter. ⚠️

For more details about our paper

Mithun Das, Somnath Banerjee, Punyajoy Saha, and Animesh Mukherjee. 2022. "Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection in Bengali". AACL-IJCNLP 2022