
Primary LanguageSwift

Flix Part 1

Flix is a movies app displaying box office and top rental DVDs using The Movie Database API.

Time spent: 6 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required user stories are complete:

  • User sees app icon in home screen and styled launch screen (+1pt)
  • User can scroll through a list of movies currently playing in theaters from The Movie DB API (+5pt)
  • User can "Pull to refresh" the movie list (+2pt)
  • User sees a loading state while waiting for the movies to load (+2pt)

The following stretch user stories are implemented:

  • User sees an alert when there's a networking error (+1pt)
  • User can search for a movie (+3pt)
  • While poster is being fetched, user see's a placeholder image (+1pt)
  • User sees image transition for images coming from network, not when it is loaded from cache (+1pt)
  • Customize the selection effect of the cell (+1pt)
  • For the large poster, load the low resolution image first and then switch to the high resolution image when complete (+2pt)

Flix part 2

Time Spent : 4 hours in total

User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can tap a cell to see a detail view (+5pts)
  • User can tap a tab bar button to view a grid layout of Movie Posters using a CollectionView (+5pts)

The following stretch features are implemented:

  • User can tap a poster in the collection view to see a detail screen of that movie (+3pts)
  • In the detail view, when the user taps the poster, a new screen is presented modally where they can view the trailer (+3pts)
  • Customize the navigation bar (+1pt)
  • List in any optionals you didn't finish from last week (+1-3pts)
    • ...
    • ...


Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Lab 3 - Flix part 3

Name of your app is a movies app displaying box office and top rental DVDs using The Movie Database API.

Time spent: 2 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required user stories are complete:

  • The following screens use AutoLayout to adapt to various orientations and screen sizes
    • Movie feed view (+3pt)
    • Detail view (+2pt)

The following stretch user stories are implemented:

  • Dynamic Height Cells (+1)
  • Collection View AutoLayout (+2)