
"Menses - Period Poverty Tracker", a web-based application that can be used as a tracker to help needy people locate donors near them and contact donors. So that a donor can simply assist a needy person who is in need of a sanitary kit. Along with this we provide some features to assist user

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Period Poverty Tracker


Period poverty is a global sanitation issue affecting boys and girls around the world explained by Global Citizen. Some facts related to it are:

  • According to UNICEF, 2.3 billion people worldwide lack basic sanitation services, and only 27 percent of individuals in poor countries have adequate handwashing facilities at home.
  • People who have infected COVID-19 and are in a combat situation may have limited access to menstruation products and running water. Period poverty is a social and political issue, as well as an economic one. Period poverty denotes the challenge that many low-income women and girls endure when trying to afford period products. The word also refers to the increasing economic vulnerability that women and girls face as a result of the financial burden created by menstruation supplies. These include not only menstruation pads and tampons, but also associated costs such as pain medicine.
  • Period poverty is not just a failure of constitutional guarantees, but it is also a significant human rights concern. The issue connects with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 4, 5, and 6, which aim to ensure quality education, gender equality, and access to safe drinking water and sanitation. The world must act to end period poverty. Promoting menstrual equity is key to supporting women and young girls.

To address this issue, we developed "Menses - Period Poverty Tracker", a web-based application that can be used as a tracker to help needy people locate donors near them and contact donors. So that a donor can simply assist a needy person who is in need of a sanitary kit. Along with this we provide some features to assist user. Features like flip card, counselling, space(global chat), help page and contact page.We invite individuals to donate sanitary products and soaps.

Let's get started

In this app, there are two kind of users. One is a needy person who is experiencing period poverty, and the other is a donor who is willing to assist the needy by donating tampons, sanitary kits, soaps, and other items. Both the users are able to access features of application directly using "Needy" button. But for donation purpose donor need to register themselves and provide required information so that user can contact them.


  • Donors need to register through "Donor" button.
  • Login/Signup
  • Enter neccesary details.


  • User can directly access features of application.
  • Use map for searching donors and their contact information.
  • Use Flip card to get quick random health tips.
  • Use counselling page for schedeling meeting with counsellor.(Thanks to our counsellors for providing their service for social work).
  • Use space which is basically a global chat where user can interact with like minded people globaly.
  • Use Help page to get quick answers to common quries related to application.
  • Contact us page helps user to send feedback to us directly.

Why this application?

It is estimated that 1.9 million individuals, or about a quarter of the world's population, menstruate. Of the people who mesturate, at lease 500 million experince period poverty every month. Period poverty is described as a lack of access to menstrual hygiene tools and knowledge, such as sanitary products, washing facilities, and waste management. Although period poverty is a global issue, people in low-income nations are disproportionately affected. The social stigma associated with menstruation has also played a significant part in the rise of period poverty. So to reduce the period poverty, we have created this application which will provide a platform for needy to find donor and their contact information easily. In addition, the needy locate someone who can assist them. It will be easier for them to find others in their neighbourhood who can assist them.


Map - Map will help user to find donors near their location and get their contact information quickly. Click on the location icon and get required information about donor.

Flip Card - it is the health tip card which shows user random health tips related to mensuration. Click on "new tip!" Button to get new tip.

Counselling - for user convince , there is counsellor page where user can schedule meeting with counsellor. User are able to contact our experts (who work as volunteer for helping people) and get advice at no cost.

Space - space is a global chat where one can connect with like minded people and ask questions , healp others , and discuss the related things.

Help - this section contains some common queries and answers related to application. It's basically a guide for users and contains common information about application.

Contact us- user are able to send their feedback directly to us through contact us page.

Some articles on period poverty

Technology used

  • Backend - JavaScript, email.js, smtpJs, firebase
  • Frontend - Google Maps API, Html5, bootstrap5, JavaScript and SCSS
  • Tools used - VS code, Git/Github, Figma
  • Database - Firestore, Real time database
  • Google Technology - Google map API, Firebase, Google calender API, Emmail services -Gmail

Future Scope

Donations can help reduce period poverty, but there are other things we can do, such as spreading awareness, counselling women to teach them about the menstruation cycle, what to do and what not to do during their periods, and so on.

  • We intend to include a event page in this application so that if an NGO organises an event to raise awareness, it can reach a larger and larger audience.
  • Including a blog part where people may share their stories and inspire others, as well as provide health advice in their articles.
  • Verification of Organizations/donors/volunteers and needy.
  • Onboarding remote needy to the platform.
