
Results scraper based on the latest results page developed by Delta club from NIT Trichy

Primary LanguagePython

A simple Python script to scrape the results from the delta site

This script scrapes the semester results hosted on the delta server. The original site for checking results is here


  • python 3
  • requests
  • bs4 (BeautifulSoup)
  • PTable (PrettyTable)


  1. Download this whole repository
  2. Install the requirements given above
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Change your directory to the root folder
  4. Run the following command
python scrape_it.py -r <your_roll_number>

Enter your password in the hidden prompt and hit enter.


python scrape_it.py -h

can be used to display the help message to use this script.

Other info

This is just a small side project done by me for fun. Please feel free to contribute to this and improve this repository if possible by sending pull requests.