
Video game class game

Primary LanguagePython


Hello CMS.611 gamers, this is the documentation for our P1 prototype


In order to run this prototype you need to have Python 3 installed The game was tested/developed on

Python 3.11.3

You also need to have the library pygame installed this can be done by running

pip3 install pygame

After that you can simply run our prototype by running the command

python3 game.py


The branches in this repository represent the different iterations of our game. Here's a rough description of the features implemented in each branch

main - Most basic version of the game with 3 lanes and a single pointer controlled by two players 5-lanes - Same as main but with 5 lanes instead of 3 reversal - Same as 5-lanes but with the addition of blue notes that flip the direction of player movement when caught reversal-3-lanes - reversal but with only 3 lanes