Leaderboard API

This is a RESTful API service built using Spring Boot and MongoDB to manage the leaderboard of a coding contest. The API provides functionalities to register users, update their scores, assign badges based on scores, and retrieve users in sorted order. The project also includes basic validation and error handling.


  • Register Users: Register new participants for the contest.
  • Update Score: Update user scores.
  • Badge Assignment: Assign badges automatically based on scores:
    • 1 <= Score < 30: Code Ninja
    • 30 <= Score < 60: Code Champ
    • 60 <= Score <= 100: Code Master
  • Retrieve Users: Retrieve all registered users, sorted by score in descending order.
  • Deregister Users: Remove users from the leaderboard.
  • Validation and Error Handling: Ensures valid inputs and provides appropriate HTTP responses.

Technologies Used

  • Java 23
  • Spring Boot (REST API)
  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Lombok (for boilerplate code reduction)
  • JUnit (for unit testing)
  • Gradle (build tool)

API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description Example Request Body
GET /users Retrieve all registered users -
GET /users/{userId} Retrieve details of a specific user -
POST /users Register a new user { "userId": 123, "username": "Anirudh" }
PUT /users/{userId} Update the score of a specific user /users/123?score=45
DELETE /users/{userId} Deregister a user -

How to Run the Project


  1. Install Java 23, Gradle, and MongoDB.
  2. Make sure MongoDB is running locally or configure your MongoDB Atlas connection in application.properties.

Steps to Run

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone <repository-url>
    cd leaderboard-api
  2. Build and run the project:
    mvn clean install
    mvn spring-boot:run
  3. The API will be available at: http://localhost:8080

Sample Requests

Register a User


POST /users

Request Body:

  "userId": 123,
  "username": "Anirudh"

Update a User's Score


PUT /users/123?score=45

Get All Users (Sorted by Score)


GET /users

Delete a User


DELETE /users/123

Error Handling

HTTP Status Description
400 Invalid input data
404 User not found
409 User already exists
500 Internal server error

Unit Tests

This project includes JUnit tests to ensure the correct functionality of the leaderboard system. To run the tests:

.\gradlew test

Postman Collection

You can use the following Postman Collection to test the API. Import the collection to Postman using this link:

Leaderboard API Postman Collection
(Replace the link with the actual shareable Postman link)


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

How to Generate and Share the Postman Collection

  1. Open Postman and create a new Collection named Leaderboard API.

  2. Add the following requests to your collection:

    • GET /users
    • GET /users/{userId}
    • POST /users with JSON body.
    • PUT /users/{userId} with score as a query parameter.
    • DELETE /users/{userId}`.
  3. Export the Collection:

    • In Postman, click the three dots next to your collection and select Export.
    • Choose Collection v2.1 and save it as LeaderboardAPI.postman_collection.json.
  4. Upload the Collection to a public location (like GitHub or Postman).

    • If using GitHub, commit the JSON file to your repository.
    • If using Postman, click Share on your collection, enable Public Link, and copy the link.
  5. Add the Postman Link to your README.md under the Postman Collection section.

This completes the README.md and Postman setup. Let me know if you encounter any issues!