
Neural machine translation using custom transformers using PyTorch

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Machine Translation with Transformers

This repository contains Python code for a Neural Machine Translation (NMT) system implemented using the Transformer architecture. The system translates text from German to English using a transformer model.


The main functionality of the code is to translate German sentences to English using a Transformer-based neural network model. The translation model is implemented using PyTorch, a popular deep learning framework. The repository also includes a main.py script for running the translation process, along with a pre-trained model saved as a pickle file.


To run the code in this repository, you'll need the following libraries:

  • Python (>=3.6)
  • PyTorch
  • TorchText(0.6.0)
  • spaCy
  • tqdm

You can install the required dependencies using pip:

pip install torch 
pip install torchtext==0.6.0 
pip install spacy tqdm

Additionally, you'll need to download the German and English spaCy models:

python -m spacy download de_core_news_sm
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Model Structure

The translation model is based on the Transformer architecture, which is a state-of-the-art model for sequence-to-sequence tasks. Here's an overview of the model structure:

Embedding Layers: Convert input tokens into dense vectors. Transformer Encoder: Process the input sequence and generate context representations. Transformer Decoder: Generate output sequence based on the context representations from the encoder. Linear Layer: Map the decoder outputs to the target vocabulary space.

Training Details

The model was trained using the Multi30k dataset, which contains parallel text data in English and German. Here are some key training details:

  • Optimizer: Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 3e-4.
  • Loss Function: Cross-Entropy Loss with ignore index for padding tokens.

Training Hyperparameters:

  • Number of epochs: 100
  • Batch size: 32
  • Model Hyperparameters:
  • Embedding size: 512
  • Number of attention heads: 8
  • Number of encoder and decoder layers: 3
  • Dropout probability: 0.10
  • Maximum sequence length: 100

Loss plot

Loss Plot

The model is trained for a total of 100 epochs. The BLEU score achieved after 100 epoch training is 32.12 and it is estimated to increase with further training


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Anirvan-Krishna/machine_translation.git
  1. Install the required dependencies as mentioned above.
  2. Run the main.py script to translate German sentences to English:
python main.py


  • main.py: Main Python script for translating German sentences to English using the pre-trained Transformer model.
  • model.pkl: Pickle file containing the pre-trained Transformer model.
  • utils.py: Consists of utility files for saving checkpoints, loading checkpoints and evaluating BLEU score
  • README.md: This README file providing an overview of the repository.