
CFD code to solve ideal hydrodynamic/heat transfer equations in any dimensions

Primary LanguageC


This is a finite volume numerical solver employed to solve a set of hyperbolic / parabolic differential equations using both staggered and collocated grid. Currently it supports a 2nd order central difference scheme for incompressible flow and is run in serial. A variety of scenerios has been tested successfully including the lid driven cavity.


  • Toggle for viscosity
  • Toggle for staggered grid
  • Dimension specification
  • Automatic CFL determination
  • Reynold,s number/ viscous coefficient prescription


  • All the features can be set the main.h header file
  • Commpile all the files using gcc
  • Run the binary
  • Output for grid and data will be produced in .txt files

Upcoming update:

  • Support for parallelization
  • makefile support
  • .vtk ASCII output