This repository is mainly open to those who are looking to make some PRs for the Hacktoberfest 2021 event. In this repository, you can add programs on Data Structures and some useful algorithms for Competitive Programming.
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Hackerrank: 30 days of code in JavaScript
#308 opened by shardul-b - 1
Add a Leetcode problem
#383 opened by Jassi10000-zz - 3
Java version of Two sum ,3sum
#388 opened by Kratika28-agr - 0
Request to add a new folder to the repo
#384 opened by Jassi10000-zz - 0
Added code for JS Palindrome search Algorithm
#379 opened by gtchakama - 4
Infix to Postfix expression conversion
#150 opened by asmitsirohi - 0
Add jump search
#371 opened by ReoCorreia - 0
Add circular queue
#370 opened by ReoCorreia - 0
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[LeetCode] 61. Rotate List
#288 opened by DmnChzl - 1
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Hacktoberfest-Accepted label
#350 opened by RahulBansal0502 - 0
Added Code for non recursive inorder, postorder and preorder traversal in binary tree.
#342 opened by Gupta-Nikhil85 - 28
#154 opened by Anishukla - 1
KMP String matching algorithm in C++
#293 opened by Rohit-varma - 1
Array and simple queries (hackerrank question)
#268 opened by pavitrapati - 1
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Valid Shuffle Problem
#310 opened by Maulikchhabra - 0
Please add a folder for Hackerrank C++ problems.
#221 opened by KmrAnish04 - 1
Kruskals Algo for Graph
#179 opened by vedant-jain03 - 1
Prefix Expression Evaluation (Stacks)
#152 opened by sanskruti-shahu - 6
Implement Queue using Stacks
#212 opened by Ratna04priya - 0
Linked List Cycle
#217 opened by mukeshmjn - 1
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[LeetCode] 189. Rotate Array
#190 opened by DmnChzl - 4
Postfix Expression Evaluation (Stacks)
#153 opened by sanskruti-shahu - 2
Right rotation Bits
#231 opened by shloka-gupta - 0
Ternary Search in c++ (Under HacktoberFeast)
#232 opened by UG-SEP - 0
Add DP Problems Folder
#226 opened by thevishalhanda2 - 0
Create Tree using Inorder and PostOrder traversal
#209 opened by MuditWadhwa - 0
Dp: Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence
#178 opened by yashikajotwani12 - 0
Binary Tree Traversal using Recurssion
#171 opened by aniketlodh - 43
#1 opened by Anishukla - 0