
Primary LanguageKotlin


✅ Refreshing client token
✅ Automatically farming
✅ Collecting Daily rewards
✅ Random points in the game
✅ Automatically completing available tasks

Quick Start

  1. Install docker
  2. Create clients.json file that will store your clients
  3. Use following command to register clients and add them to clients.json file
sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/clients.json:/BlumBot/clients.json --pull=always --entrypoint bin/BlumBot ghcr.io/anisovaleksey/blumbot:latest -a 2
  1. Run the bot
docker run --name blum -d -v $(pwd)/clients.json:/BlumBot/clients.json --pull=always ghcr.io/anisovaleksey/blumbot:latest