
A contact API built using Django RestFramework with different functionalities that allows users create a contact, edit and delete contact data.


Built with

  • Django
  • Django Restframework
  • PostgresSQL


  • Browseable API
  • CRUD operations


This project was built using python - Django. For set up, firstly ensure you have python downloaded and installed. Then proceed to install Django in your command prompt.

pip install django, djangorestframework

Virtual environment.

Before installing the packages required for this project you may want to create a virtual environment. This will ensure you do not have lots of packages clogging. Virtual envirnoment is created by running:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Once this is done you can install all packages using requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

  • In your code editor run the program by python runserver in your terminal.


  • Clone repository and change directory into that clone.
  • Pull requests are welcomed.
  • Open issues to make changes you would like to see.