
Code by Katherine Ford for doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckaa173

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Examining Gender Differentials in the Association of Low Control Work with Cognitive Performance in Older Workers

Code by Katherine Ford for doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckaa173

Please cite this paper when using the code:

Ford, K. J., Batty, G. D., & Leist, A. K. (2021). Examining gender differentials in the association of low control work with cognitive performance in older workers. European Journal of Public Health, 31(1), 174-180.

Data Availability

This paper uses publicly available data for research purposes from SHARE Waves 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and the All Waves Coverscreen (DOI: 10.6103/SHARE.w1.700, 10.6103/SHARE.w2.700, 10.6103/SHARE.w4.700, 10.6103/SHARE.w5.700, 10.6103/SHARE.w6.700, 10.6103/SHARE.wXcvr.700). The datasets analyzed are accessible through the SHARE Research Data Center: https://shareproject.centerdata.nl/sharedatadissemination/users/login.


K.J.F.’s doctoral training was supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund under Grant 10949242. The research also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 803239, to A.K.L.). The SHARE data collection has been funded by the European Commission through FP5 (QLK6-CT-2001-00360), FP6 (SHARE-I3: RII-CT-2006-062193, COMPARE: CIT5-CT-2005-028857, SHARELIFE: CIT4-CT-2006-028812), FP7 (SHARE-PREP: GA No. 211909, SHARE-LEAP: GA No. 227822, SHARE M4: GA No. 261982) and Horizon 2020 (SHARE-DEV3: GA No. 676536, SERISS: GA No. 654221) and by DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion. Additional funding from the German Ministry of Education and Research, the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, the U.S. National Institute on Aging (U01_AG09740-13S2, P01_AG005842, P01_AG08291, P30_AG12815, R21_AG025169, Y1-AG-4553-01, IAG_BSR06-11, OGHA_04-064 and HHSN271201300071C) and from various national funding sources is gratefully acknowledged.

Main Code Details

Variable Descriptions

lowctrlgrp : Composite variable from ep029_ and ep030_ in the original work files

generate ctrl= ep030_ + (5-ep029_) if ep029_<=4 & ep030_<=4
gen lowctrlgrp=.
local wave "1 2 4 5 6"
foreach x of local wave {
bys country: egen tertctrl`x'= xtile(ctrl) if wave==`x', n(3)
replace lowctrlgrp = tertctrl`x' if wave==`x'

newid : mergeid in the original data sets

gender : From the all waves coverscreen file

age_int : From the all waves coverscreen file

cohort : Recode of yrbirth from the all waves coverscreen

gen cohort=1 if yrbirth <1945
replace cohort=2 if yrbirth>=1945 & yrbirth <1950
replace cohort=3 if yrbirth>=1950 & yrbirth <1955
replace cohort=4 if yrbirth>=1955

country : From the original demographics file

hidemgrp : Composite variable from ep027_ and ep028_ in the original work files

generate demand= (5-ep027) + (5-ep028) if ep027<=4 & ep028<=4 
gen hidemgrp=.
local wave "1 2 4 5 6"
foreach x of local wave {
egen tertdem`x'= xtile(demand) if wave==`x', n(3)
replace hidemgrp = tertdem`x' if wave==`x'

privpubself : ep009 in the original work files jobsecure : Recode of ep035_ from the original work files generate jobsecure_=1 if ep035_==3 | ep035_==4 replace jobsecure_=0 if ep035_==1 | ep035_==2

hourgrp : Recoding of ep013_ from the original work files

  generate hourgrp = 1 if ep013_<30 & ep013_!=.
replace hourgrp = 2 if ep013_>=30 & ep013_<55
replace hourgrp = 3 if ep013_>=55 & ep013_!=.

quininc : Recode of thinc from the imputations file

gen thinc=(thinc1+thinc2+thinc3+thinc4+thinc5)/5
tab eq_hhsize country, m 	//only Israel has missing info for hhsize
tab eq_hhsize wave if country==25, m 	//they are all missing in wave1
bys mergeid (wave): replace eq_hhsize = eq_hhsize[_n+1] if country==25 & wave==1
gen inchh=thinc/eq_hhsize	
bys country: egen quininc= xtile (inchh) if wave==1, n(5)
bys country: egen quininc2= xtile (inchh) if wave==2, n(5)
bys country: egen quininc4= xtile (inchh) if wave==4, n(5)
bys country: egen quininc5= xtile (inchh) if wave==5, n(5)
bys country: egen quininc6= xtile (inchh) if wave==6, n(5)
replace quininc = quininc2 if wave==2 & quininc==.
replace quininc = quininc4 if wave==4 & quininc==.
replace quininc = quininc5 if wave==5 & quininc==.
replace quininc = quininc6 if wave==6 & quininc==.

edugrp : Recode of isced from the imputations file

gen isced=(isced1+isced2+isced3+isced4+isced5)/5
	generate edugrp=.
tab isced if firstwave==1, m
replace edugrp=1 if isced<=float(1) 
replace edugrp=2 if isced>=float(2) & isced<=float(3) 
replace edugrp=3 if isced>=float(4) & isced<=float(6)  
bysort mergeid (wave) : replace edugrp= edugrp[1]

cohab : Composite variable from dn014_ and dn044_ in the original demographics files

bysort mergeid (wave) : gen marstat= dn014_[1] 
gen dn044 = 0
replace dn044=1 if dn044_==1
gen lagdn044 = 0
bys mergeid (wave): replace lagdn044= dn044[_n-1]
gen lag2dn044 = 0
bys mergeid (wave): replace lag2dn044= dn044[_n-2]
gen lag3dn044 = 0
bys mergeid (wave): replace lag3dn044= dn044[_n-3]
gen marchange=0
replace marchange=1 if dn044==1 | lagdn044==1 | lag2dn044==1 | lag3dn044==1
gen cohab=1 if (marstat==1 | marstat==2) & marchange==0      
replace cohab=0 if marstat>2 & marstat<. & marchange==0      
replace cohab=1 if marstat>2 & marstat<. & marchange==1      
replace cohab=0 if (marstat==1 | marstat==2) & marchange==1

hearloss : Composite variable from ph045_ and ph046_ in the original physical health files

gen hearloss=0 if ph045_!=. & ph046_!=. 
replace hearloss=1 if ph045_==1 | ph046_==5

chron : Composite variable from ph011d6 and ph011d2 in the original physical health files

rename ph011d6 txdiab
rename ph011d2 txbp
gen chron=1 if txdiab==1 | txbp==1
replace chron=0 if txdiab==0 & txbp==0

depress : Recode of eurod from the generated health variables files

gen depress=1 if eurod>3 & eurod!=. 
replace depress=0 if eurod<=3 & eurod!=.

phactiv : From the generated health variables files

bmi : Recode of bmi2 from the generated health variables files

 tab bmi2
recode bmi2 (1/2=1) (3=2) (4=3), gen(bmi)

smoke : Composite variable from br002_ and br001_ in the original risky behaviours files

rename br002_ cusmoke
rename br001_ eversmoke
recode eversmoke (1=1) (5=0)
 	bys mergeid (wave): replace eversmoke=eversmoke[1]
  	gen smoke=eversmoke			
  	replace smoke=0 if eversmoke==0 & cusmoke==5
 	replace smoke=1 if eversmoke==1 & cusmoke==5		
  	replace smoke=2 if cusmoke==1

z_verb : Standardizing of cf010_ variable from the original cognition files

  su raw_verb if wave==firstwave 	
gen z_verb = ((raw_verb - r(mean))/r(sd))

z_imm : Stardardizing of cf008tot variable from the original cognition files and the generated health variables files for wave 4, 5, and 6

su raw_imm if wave==firstwave  
gen z_imm = ((raw_imm - r(mean))/r(sd))

z_delay : Standardizing of cf016tot variable from the original cognition files and the generated health variables files for wave 4, 5, and 6

su raw_delay if wave==firstwave	
gen z_delay = ((raw_delay-r(mean))/r(sd))

Main Analysis Code


local cog "z_verb z_delay z_imm"
foreach x of local cog {


xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int if gender==1, fe i(newid)
est store m_`x'_base

Model 1

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc if gender==1, fe i(newid)
est store m_`x'_m1

Model 2

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc cohab hearloss chron depress phactiv i.bmi i.smoke if gender==1, fe i(newid)
est store m_`x'_m2

Random Effects

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc cohab hearloss chron depress phactiv i.bmi i.smoke i.country i.edugrp i.cohort if gender==1, re i(newid)
est store m_`x'_re
hausman m_`x'_m2 m_`x'_re


local cog "z_verb z_delay z_imm"
foreach x of local cog {


xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int if gender==2, fe i(newid)
est store f_`x'_base

Model 1

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc if gender==2, fe i(newid)
est store f_`x'_m1

Model 2

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc cohab hearloss chron depress phactiv i.bmi i.smoke if gender==2, fe i(newid)
est store f_`x'_m2

Random Effects

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc cohab hearloss chron depress phactiv i.bmi i.smoke i.country i.edugrp i.cohort if gender==2, re i(newid)
est store f_`x'_re 
hausman f_`x'_m2 f_`x'_re


local cog "z_verb z_delay z_imm"
foreach x of local cog {


xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp##i.gender age_int , fe i(newid)
est store p_`x'_base

Model 1

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp##i.gender age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc, fe i(newid)
est store p_`x'_m1

Model 2

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp##i.gender age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc cohab hearloss chron depress phactiv i.bmi i.smoke, fe i(newid)
est store p_`x'_m2

Random Effects

xtreg `x' ib2.lowctrlgrp##i.gender age_int i.hidemgrp i.privpubself i.jobsecure i.hourgrp i.quininc cohab hearloss chron depress phactiv i.bmi i.smoke i.country i.edugrp i.cohort, re i(newid)
est store p_`x'_re
hausman p_`x'_m2 p_`x'_re