
API Development with FastAPI

Primary LanguagePython

create virtual enviroment py -3 -m venv venv

run venv venv\Scripts\activate

install fastapi full pip install fastapi[all]

run fastapi server uvicorn main:app --reload

uvicorn app.main:app --reload

create hex random number on bash for secret key openssl rand -hex 32

Initialize alembic alembic init [folder name]

Make migration on database with revision alembic revision -m [message]

Run the migration alembic upgrade [revision number]

Upgrade by step alembic upgrade [+n step]

Show current revision alembic current

Show updated revision alembic head

Run updated revision alembic upgrade head

Rollback with revision alembic downgrade [revision number]

Rollback by step alembic downgrade [-n step]

Auto create revision from model alembic revision --autogenerate -m [message]

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