RealWorld Example App

This repo is a copy of Real-World-App which helps us to launch an application to be used for API Testing.

For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.

How it works

The application was made mainly to demo the functionality of http4k framework together with exposed.

Tech stack

The application was built with:

  • Kotlin as programming language.
  • http4k as web framework.
  • h2, an embedded lightweight database, as data storage. Although the application can support all the databases supported by exposed.
  • exposed to access database and build typesafe SQL queries.
  • jsonwebtoken to handle JSON Web Tokens for request authorization.
  • log4j for proper logging in the application.
  • kotest as testing framework for kotlin.
  • mockk as mocking library for Kotlin.

Application structure

Basically, the application has four main parts:

  • main function which instantiates all the services and handlers and connects them together, then starts the server.
  • Router class which handles the translation of 1. http requests to request handler calls and 2. handler results to http responses. Authorization logic is also implemented in this class.
  • handler package which contains a class for every request handler. Handlers are classes with one method (invoke) which handles the request. This package contains the whole business logic of the application. Handlers have access to data layer.
  • ConduitRepository class which is responsible for building database queries. In order to communicate to database, a class called ConduitTransactionManagerImpl is needed. this class has one method (tx) which connects to database and opens a transaction to communicate with database. tx accepts an anonymous function while provides an instance of ConduitRepository as a receiver.
+ config/
    Application config as simple data classes
+ handler/
    All handler classes which describe business logic of the application
+ model/
    domain model and dtos
+ repository/
    table definitions, typesafe database creation scripts and classes to communicate with database
+ util/
    utility classes such as request filters, serialization/deserialization functions and jwt utility functions
+ Main.kt
    File containing main function
+ Router.kt
    File containing Router class responsible for handling http server communication


The application currently uses H2 embedded database. The connection is defined in config/local.kt. If you want to change the database you need to provide the correct dependency for the driver and change the configuration.


You can run ./gradlew test to run all the tests. A test logger gradle plugin (com.adarshr.test-logger) has used to render the test beautifully in console. There are a couple of unit tests for handlers but not for all of them (contributions welcome!). There are integration tests to cover all the cases of the postman test file.

Getting started

You need Java 11 installed.

Build and run tests:

./gradlew clean build

Start the server:

./gradlew run

The server will be available on http://localhost:9000