Hello! This is the python code for EI-kMeans Drift deteciton presented in the paper "Concept Drift Detection via Equal Intensity k-Means Space Partitioning" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.11587)
+-- README.md
+-- kMeansChi2_lib.py
+-- kMeansChi2_Exp3.py
+-- kMeansChi2_Exp2.py
+-- EIkMeans_lib.py
+-- EIkMeans_Exp3.py
+-- EIkMeans_Exp2.py
+-- Datasets
| +-- Exp1_Demo
| | +-- ParititionDemo1_Gaussian.csv
| | +-- ParititionDemo2_ThreeGaussian.csv
| +-- OriginalDataFiles
| | +-- 1_Higgs
| | | +-- data0.mat
| | | +-- data1.mat
| | +-- 2_MiniBooNe
| | | +-- MiniBooNE_PID.txt
| | +-- 3_Arabic_Digit
| | | +-- ArabicDigit_Shuffled_With_Sex.csv
| | +-- 4_Localization
| | | +-- ConfLongDemo_JSI.txt
| | +-- 5_Insects
| | | +-- Insects.data
| +-- Exp2_Syn_dataGenerator.py (**Step 1**)
| +-- Exp3_Rea_dataGenerator.py (**Step 2**)
To run the test on the given datasets you need to generate data samples from their original datasets.
Please go to Datasets
folder and run
# Step 1. run this code to generate synthetic data for exp 2
python Exp2_Syn_dataGenerator.py
# Step 2. run this code to generate synthetic data for exp 3
python Exp3_Rea_dataGenerator.py
Now you should be able to reproduce the experiment by running the code located under the main folder.
python kMeansChi2_Exp3.py
python kMeansChi2_Exp2.py
python EIkMeans_Exp3.py
python EIkMeans_Exp2.py
Given data batches Batch_train
and Batch_test
and the desired signficance level alpha
import EIkMeans_lib as eikm
num_train = Batch_train.shape[0]
num_test = Batch_test.shape[0]
# According to the constrains of Pearson's Chi-square Test
# It's better to keep no less than 50 samples in each partition
num_partitions = num_train / 50
# Initialize EI-kMeans instances and build the histogram (partitions)
eikm_instance = eikm.EIkMeans(num_partitions)
eikm_instance.build_partition(Batch_train, num_test)
# Performing concept drift detection
eikm_instance.drift_detection(Batch_test, alpha)
You may need to perform normalization on your datasets to have a stable drift detection performance.
- Anjin Liu Postdoctoral Research Associate, Anjin.Liu@uts.edu.au
- Jie Lu Distinguished Professor, Jie.Lu@uts.edu.au
- Guangquan Zhang Associate Professor, Guangquan.Zhang@uts.edu.au
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
The work presented in this paper was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) under Discovery Project DP190101733.