
Capstone project for the Udacity machine learning nanodegree program

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Predict Amazon Review ⭐️ Rating

This was my final project for the Udacity Machine Learning nanodegree program.

The goal of the project was the predict the star rating of an Amazon review only given the text of the review.

The final result was a SGD model that achieved an F1-Score of 0.8551.

The Python Jupyter-notebook with all the code can be viewed here: https://github.com/GarrisonJ/Predict-Amazon-Review-Star-Rating/blob/master/project/MLNDCapstone.ipynb

The final written report can be viewed here: https://github.com/GarrisonJ/Predict-Amazon-Review-Star-Rating/blob/master/project/report.pdf

You can create the report yourself by running Make in the project folder; however, you'll need to install Pandoc first.