🔭 I’m currently working on something cool

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any thing hardware or software

💬 Ask me about Software ,Hardware I will be glad to help.

📫 How to reach me harry.ankah@gmail.com

⚡ Fun fact I am nice to work with.

💫 About Me:

I am not just a developer; I am a creator who believes in the seamless integration of software and hardware to craft solutions that matter. Whether it's coding an elegant algorithm or soldering components onto a circuit board, I approach every task with enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence.

🤖 Robotics Instructor:

📚 Educator: Sharing my knowledge in robotics with a focus on hands-on learning. 🔧 Maker: Turning ideas into real-life robots and automation systems. 🧠 Mentor: Guiding the next generation of roboticists and engineers. 🛠️ DIY Enthusiast: Turning ideas into functional gadgets.

🌐 Full Stack Developer: 🛠️ Crafting intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces for web and mobile applications. 🔧 Designing robust server-side infrastructure and APIs to support complex software systems.

🌐 IoT Engineer: 💻 IoT Architect: Designing interconnected devices for a smarter world. 🛰️ Connectivity Wizard: Making everything from smart homes to industrial systems smarter.

🌐 Socials:

LinkedIn X Medium

💻 Tech Stack:

Raspberry Pi Arduino Python JavaScript TypeScript React Next JS NodeJS Express.js Postgres MySQL Docker

📊 GitHub Stats: