Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit.
Click on the image below and check out the app demo:
- ViewController
- Initialize and configure ARKit
- Detect horizontal plane and initialize Tetris game engine on this plane
- Add gesture recognizers and process gestures
- Tetromino: describe all tetrominos and their rotations
- TetrisConfig: width and height of the well
- TetrisState: tetris game state - current tetromino and its position in the well
- TetrisWell: well model describing filled cells
- TetrisEngine: tetris game engine
- Start game loop
- Handle gestures and change game state
- Handle animation: stop game loop, execute animation, start game loop
- TetrisScene
This project is maintained by the exyte company, a team of experienced software engineers from the cold Siberia. We don't have bears and don't like vodka, but we love to create great applications! Just contact us.
ARTetris is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.