
Contains 3 Project made to meet the requirement of the CodSoft Internship

Primary LanguageHTML

Codsoft Internship: Project

Project: 1

Welcome to my portfolio for the Codsoft Project Internship! This portfolio showcases the project I completed during my internship, demonstrating my skills in HTML and CSS.

Project Overview

The project was designed to meet all the requirements outlined in the internship document. It was created using only HTML and CSS to develop a visually appealing and functional portfolio.


Technologies Used

  • HTML: Used to structure the content of the portfolio, creating a clean and organized layout.
  • CSS: Implemented to style the portfolio, making it visually attractive and ensuring responsiveness across different devices.



  • Clean and well-structured layout.
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices (desktop and tablet).
  • Showcase of project work completed during the internship.
  • Contact information for inquiries and networking.

Project: 2

Landing Page for the Codsoft Project Internship! This Landing Page showcases the project I completed during my internship, demonstrating my skills in HTML and CSS.

Project Overview

The project was designed to meet all the requirements outlined in the internship document. It was created using only HTML and CSS to develop a visually appealing and functional Landing Page.


Technologies Used

  • HTML: Used to structure the content of the Landing Page, creating a clean and organized layout.
  • CSS: Implemented to style the Landing Page, making it visually attractive and ensuring responsiveness across different devices.


  • Clean and well-structured layout.
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices (desktop and tablet).
  • Showcase of project work completed during the internship.
  • Contact information for inquiries and networking.


Project: 2

Calculator for the Codsoft Project Internship! This Calculator showcases the project I completed during my internship, demonstrating my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills.

Project Overview

The project was designed to meet all the requirements outlined in the internship document. It was created using only HTML, CSS and JS to develop a visually appealing and functional Calculator.


Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS


  • Clean and well-structured layout.
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices (desktop and tablet).
  • Showcase of project work completed during the internship.
  • Contact information for inquiries and networking.

Getting Started

To view the projects, simply open the index.html file in a web browser of your choice. You can also host it on a web server for online access.

$ git clone <repository-url>
$ cd <repository-folder>
$ open index.html