

This is a micro service based spring boot architechture with Mongodb and MySQL with the help of Spring Boot using Java. This is mainly used for filtering the No Structured, Structered and Semi Structured Data into respective databases.


  • Active internet connection
  • Fedora 32 or above


  1. Eclipse IDE (You can choose any IDE)
  2. Postman App
  3. Java (JDK 1.8+)
  4. Maven (3.0+)
  5. Robo3t (For MongoDB, Else you can choose any)
  6. Mysql


This tool has been tried and tested multiple times and is expected to work flawlessly in Fedora Workstation 32 or above. It has not been tested on any of the spins yet so proceed with caution. While the chances of things going wrong is pretty slim but still you would want to make backups, should things do not go as expected. As always, you are choosing to use this tool at your will and you cannot hold me responsible for any mishap there may occur due to the misuse of this tool.