The FOLDER_INDEX value would set the directory to save the new files. e.g. FOLDER_INDEX=1 would save the files in /ClientFolder_1/ folder
The AUTO tag is for automated downloads of all files. Seting this to 0 would make the program ask for which files to download and whether to download them parallely or serially.
AUTO tag has three options [0: No, 1: Sequential, 2: Parallel]
Scaling from 8 clients to 64 clients
To run the scaling script we need to give execute peermission to two bash scripts
chmod +x
chmod +x
After execute permissions we need to run the script
This script asks for a single user input which is whether to download files in sequence or in parallel
Once this is done, it would automatically spin up the server and clients in bursts
The output times get stored inside /Times and the number of files with Md5 errors get stored inside /Errors
Additionally the server output gets stored in serverOutput.txt