This Repository presents a Electronic Vendor Sales website which is pretty similar to real world websites like BestBuy or Amazon
- jQuery
- BootStrap
- Apache Server
- Php
- Oracle SQL DB version 11
- oci8 php add-on
Here is a demo video:
Below are the steps to set up the server and run the website
open server_steps.txt file in any text editor and follow the steps to create the required environment
- Do remember that I have not given the steps to set-up your oracle db server
sql_scripts.sql file contains the relational model
- The sql qeries are in below order:
- Create statements
- Create Sequences
- Create Triggers
- Finally insert statements for test data
- The sql qeries are in below order:
Folder MAIN contains all the source code for the web app
- session.php file contains the username and password to connect to oracle db
ER_Diagram.jpg is the Entity Relationship diagram for project
Screenshots and flow is available in the Report.pdf file