
The solutions of the following Leetcode problem is written in Swift.


  1. Two Sum Problem
  2. Three Sum Problem
  3. Four Sum Problem
  4. Is Subsequence
  5. Validate Stack SubSequence
  6. Maximum Subarray
  7. Missing Number
  8. Move any element to End
  9. Move zeros [Similar of Move Any element to end problem]
  10. Product Sum
  11. Search in 2D Array
  12. Validate Stack Sequence
  13. Search in A Sorted Array I
  14. Search in A Sorted Array II
  15. Merge Intervals
  16. Set Zero to Matrix


  1. combination Sum - I
  2. combination Sum - II
  3. combination Sum - III
  4. Count Sorted Vowel String
  5. Combination
  6. Maximum Unique Character


  1. Intersection of LinkedList


  1. Max Area of Island
  2. Number of Island


  1. Average of a Binary Tree
  2. Add One Row to Tree


  1. Remove Palindromic Subsequence

Design Problems

  1. Design Hashmap
  2. Design Twitter