
2021 Wrapup - Good Deeds, Small Achievements and Failures...

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2021 Wrap-Up - Good Deeds, Small Achievements and Failures...

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January 2021


  • Became the 1st GitHub Expert from my university, and worked out with various communities in and around the University campus
  • Participated in EY TECHATHON'21 and stood in Top 25 teams, for developing an efficient method of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution backed by Data and AI
  • Proposed Thesis for SOTA Image processing Algorithm for Facial Recognition and submitted 2 Research Papers for Review.
  • Decided to Participate in GSOC'2021, but couldn't give enough time due to Project work and research work.

February 2021


  • Tried my hands on GATE Exam, couldn't get the expected results.
  • Judged my First MLH Hackathon - MLHHACKS Hack Surrey Virtual
  • Won MLH KU Hackfest - Best use of GitHub Student Dev Pack
  • Got My 1st full-time offer
  • Selected in ASEAN Hackathon to represent India, after winning SIH 20, but couldn't participate due to health issue
  • Decided to increase CodeChef Practice Frequency, but couldn't execute the plan

March 2021


  • Won MLH SF HACKS - Best Use of Microsoft API
  • Attended GitHub Satellite India as a GCE
  • Submitted Research Project Report for Major Project
  • Got my hands dirty on Prometheus, Jenkins, DataDog, Serverless Functions
  • Started working with NVIDIA JETSON NANO
  • Gave a Talk on "How to Use GitHub Student Developer Pack Like a Pro"
  • Although all set for MLH fellowship, I couldn't crack it possibly because of a great yet messy code repository.

April 2021


  • Got my hands dirty on Edge Devices, Lite ML Models and ONNX
  • Worked around Azure IoT Hub, TensorRT, TFlite, Pytorch
  • Worked around with l4t Docker
  • Deployed my SOTA Face Recognition Algorithm on NVIDIA JETSON NANO for public use.
  • Overcame my imposter syndrome and depression period, which I faced due to the opportunities I missed in the past.
  • Started a Strict Workout and Diet Plan
  • Remembering that SciPy and thus opensource went to MARS

May 2021


  • Got My 1st Dose of Vaccine
  • Taught DSC communities members about ML Edge Processing
  • Participated in DELL UNBOUNDED ANGEL HACKS, although we didn't get a great position, Learnt a lot about RUST, JAVA, PRAVEGA, KAFKA
  • Gave Final Semester Exams, Practicals
  • Defended my Research Major Project for 8th Sem
  • India Lost many great and loved souls, Including Mr. Shakti Goaps founder Devfolioco
  • India stood still in the last week of April when the Second wave shook the entire country. I am glad I was involved in helping people in need on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn throughout the month (Apr 21 - May 30). Wishing all the affected families and readers a very happy 2022.

June 2021


  • Graduated My Bachelors with 8.5 GPA Score
  • Concluded my role as DSC UIET KUK Mentor
  • Started my Intern as Backend Dev at Zopper - A Phonepe Company
  • Got my Hands dirty on Django, Redis, Celery, Apache Spark and MongoDB
  • Learnt Monitoring with Zabbix, Graylog, Sentry
  • Donated Blood Plasma, as India was recovering from 2nd strike of COVID-19
  • Replaced VSCode with Pycharm completely
  • Revisited Kubernetes and Docker concepts
  • Got Featured in GitHub Graduation 2021 virtual Event
  • 4th Episode of Hello Engineers was aired.
  • Decided to Participate in KAGGLE Hackathons, to brushup ML skills, but couldn't execute the plan well

July 2021


  • Worked around with JS, RUST and JAVA
  • Revisited mathematical concepts of ML and computer vision
  • Participated in ComputerVision -AI Team @Zopper
  • Revisited concepts of Blockchain Tech
  • Learnt AWS - EC2
  • Started Using GitHub co-pilots
  • Bought a Laptop and new phone with my own salary

August 2021


  • Joined Wipro as Project Engineer - Data Analytics and AI
  • Started Learning Informatica, Abinitio, Flutter, Scala
  • Was involved In KT, Training and Learning new tech
  • Followed Olympics
  • Started Writing Shayari
  • Got fully vaccinated
  • Planned to Host a Hackathon, But couldn't execute the plan well.

September 2021


  • Got Promoted to TURBO Profile and Data Engineer Role
  • Revisited concepts of Abinitio and Informatica
  • Submitted Revisions for my research papers
  • Started IELTS Preparation
  • Worked around with JULIA and ML

October 2021


  • Scored 8 Band score in IELTS
  • Started Exploring Web 3 workspace, Blockchain Development
  • Started Investing in Crypto and NFT
  • Lost around 15 kgs of weight, Back in shape :)
  • Failed to participate in HacktoberFest'21 due to Company Tasks

November 2021


  • Wrote a Micro-blog on "How Diwali and Christmas Lights work"
  • Bought my first IPO for NYKAA and PAYTM
  • Started working out for GSOC 2022
  • Started working out for My Master's Application
  • Explored Web 3 workspace, Blockchain Development
  • Started working on SHATRANJ - A chess DApp for POLYGON BUIDL IT Hackathon
  • Shifted to Body-Weight Workout with the inclusion of Bhangra
  • Learnt about Bitcoin Mining - Ready to do some Hands-on:)

December 2021


  • Kisaan-Andolan finally ended on a happy note. I supported the cause from its beginning in 2020, and was really happy on 11 December 2021.
  • Learnt Solidity
  • Learnt about Filecoin, StackOS, Covalent, METAMASK
  • Developed my own CryptoToken $ASHF
  • Learnt about Decentralised Application, Decentralised Servers, Decentralised Databases.
  • Learnt and Implemented IPFS with Python
  • Learnt and Implemented SSE server with Python
  • Learnt and Implemented Socket.io with Python
  • Reworked on $ASHF and developed $ASHFx with Superfluid
  • Won Award for using SuperFluid in Shatranj in POLYGON BUIDL IT
  • In the Process of converting my shaayri to NFT and investing in Health, mental peace, skill set and crypto.