
This is spring boot project ,Used for micro meter fiunctionality

Primary LanguageJava

  • This project explain about the micro meter in spring boot

    • Most of the time,All the functionality will be used in Anotation wise instead of bean defined in MicroMeterApplication
    • check the TestController
      • To add the region tag,We are overriding the behiour with asia region.
      • common tags are defined in application.properties files with "management.metrics.tags."
      • To enable the method with @Timed with need to have TimesAspect bean in classpath then only the would work
      • Read the properties from Spring configuration for more details
        • Properties start with "management.metrics.*"
    • What is Configurations
      • below code check for function execution with the help of time

    register.record(() -> { try { int timeToSleep = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt(6000)); System.out.println("Timer record....!!! ::: "+count.incrementAndGet() +" sleep :: "+timeToSleep); Thread.sleep(timeToSleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } });

    • Below code specify the creation of Timer with histogram
      register = Timer.builder("my.timer.ankush.histogram") .publishPercentiles(0.5, 0.95) // median and 95th percentile .publishPercentileHistogram() .sla(Duration.ofMillis(5000)) .minimumExpectedValue(Duration.ofMillis(100)) .maximumExpectedValue(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).register(meterRegistry);

    • SLA : it is the time for which request are serve in

      • In the picture ,you can see the 223 requests are server in 5 second
    • We are defining the minimum expected value and maximum expected value as parameter in bucket * you can see the buckets starts with 0.1 to 10.0 second

    • publishPercentiles * 0.5 and 0.95 specify the 95% of request server in 5.87 second and 50% of request server in 2.91 second

    • you can have alters on request crossing the SLA count should be more than something,

      • which can be calculated as below
        • Get difference of request server on 10 second and SLA specifies
          • here is 260-223 =37
      • you can record the function just i did in above mention code. * you can calculate the latency as below :
        • my_timer_ankush_histogram_seconds_sum/my_timer_ankush_histogram_seconds_count
          • total time taken(sum)/total number of request
  • Most important ,EVery meter is registered with unique value as

    • name of meter and tags of meter and type of meter.
    • hence calling the counter.builder frequestly with common tags and name ,Will not going to create the new counter.
    • It will going to increment the counter(which is already there)
    • Please read : https://tomgregory.com/spring-boot-default-metrics/