
This is demo project for URL shortening functionality

Primary LanguageJava

Url Shortening Service

  • This project is about Generating Short Url

  • Design

    • High level design
      • Please find the filed named as High Level Diagram.png in project
  • Assumptions

    • Used HashMap to avoid Database and Redis cache
      • HashMap can be replaced by Database(MySQL) and Cache(Redis).
  • Steps to run application

    • Checkout the project
    • Run below command ./gradlew clean bootRun
    • Import https://www.getpostman.com/collections/57e25363446f51f8a81f into Postman
      • Follow below steps from API point of view to see the behaviour
        • 'Generating Short Url' : to generate short url
        • Use the above generated url in any browser, it will be re-directed to original
  • Application covered under Test cases for RestAPI & Junit.

  • How to scale the application

    • Use Database partitioning to store highly consumed(Regional) URL hash.
    • Use Caching cluster(Redis) to get the hash mapping with original Url value.
      • LRU policy can be useful here.
    • We can have docker image of spring application, deploy it on kubernetes.
  • Limitation

    • Hash generated using MD5, which is large if compare,
      • we can use the fixed number to combination generated already, like if hash value is field(6 letters).
      • Pre-compute those, and stored in two separate table , used and unused hash,
        • While generating hash, used the any hash from available hash
        • To get URL from hash, check only in not available hash.