
Linfo ~ Linux Info

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Linfo ~ Linux Info

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anlominus/Linfo/main/Linfo; chmod +x Linfo; ./Linfo

  • w

    w displays information about currently logged in users and what each user is doing.

  • who

    Shows information about currently logged in user.

  • whoami

    Shows the system’s username

  • id

    This command is used to find out user and group names and numeric ID’s (UID or group ID) of the current user or any other user in the server.

  • groups

    This command is used to display all the groups for which the user belongs to.

  • users

    Displays usernames of all users currently logged on the system.

  • last

    Displays a list of all last logged in users. The list can be huge according to the number of user logins.

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