
A shell written in ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby Shell

A simple shell written in Ruby because why not! I'm new to programing and did this in 6 hours. Enjoy


  • Broken History only works as long as the shell session is running
  • Can run system commands! This is literally the most useful thing about it
  • Written in Ruby!
  • Did I fix the color?
  • Sample Text

How to use

Just run git clone https://github.com/Stargirl-chan/ruby-shell.git Change into that directory and run ./shell


Why? Because why not?

Can I use this as my main shell? Are you a masochist?

Are you planing on continuing this project? When I'm bored, yes

Who asked these questions? Well I don't know

How did you write this? These two sites helped me creating it: Writing a shell in 25 Lines of Ruby and A Unix shell in Ruby