Hacktoberfest An Amazing Website
This website is a community website for everyone to be able to contribute to. Tech should be accessible to everyone and everyone should be included in the making of it. This site aims to help break down barriers and allow people to contribute to a project with whatever skills they have.
How to contribute
You can contribute through the browser or from your favourite terminal. Go the contributing guide to learn how.
About our license
All content in this repository is licensed under a Creative Commons license, specifically CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
This means you can:
- Share it in any format or medium
- Adapt it by changing or building upon it
As long as you:
- Attribute your adaptation to their original creator(s).
- Don't use any of the material commercially.
- Distribute any changes you make under the same license.
- Don't add any additional restrictions outside of what the license already disallows.
You can find some more information about the license here.
Getting The Site Running
The site is built using Jekyll, a Ruby application, or Gem.
As such, you'll need a way to run Jekyll, to build and serve the site while you work on it.
The options for this are as follows:
- Run Jekyll in Docker
- Run Jekyll on your local machine
The sections below cover these options.
Run Jekyll in Docker
You'll need to install Docker on your operating system.
- For Mac and Windows, install Docker Desktop
- For Linux:
- Install Docker Engine Community Edition
- Also ensure you have
Once docker is installed, simply go to the root of the project folder in a terminal window, and run:
docker-compose up
The local site can be reached here: http://localhost:4000/
It will respond automatically to changes you make to the source; just refresh the page in the browser to see changes.
Well done, you're up and running!
Run Jekyll Locally
you'll need Ruby installed (version 2.3.3
or newer).
This guide does include steps for installing Ruby, and other Jekyll dependencies, but you can always refer to Jekyll's own guide here.
Installing Ruby and other dependencies
Windows (native)
To install Ruby on Windows, you can
- Use Chocolatey (a Windows Package Manager)
- Get Chocolatey
- Open Command Prompt or Powershell
> choco install ruby -y
- Download it from RubyInstaller
- Download Ruby + Devkit
- Run the installer
Mac OS X
OS X comes with many open source packages pre-installed, including Ruby. To check your version of ruby, open a terminal and run $ ruby -v
You should get some output like this, denoting version 2.3.7
ruby 2.3.7p456 (2018-03-28 revision 63024) [universal.x86_64-darwin17]
If your version is 2.3.3
or greater, you do not need to install ruby; you can move on to Instaling Jekyll.
Otherwise, you will need to upgrade ruby. The easiest way is to use rvm
. In the terminal, run the following commands:
$ curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
$ rvm install 2.3
$ rvm use 2.3 --default
Restart your terminal and check the ruby version using > ruby -v
Linux / Windows Subsystem for Linux
For Ubuntu / Debian-based distributions:
$ sudo apt install ruby ruby-dev build-essential -y
Installing Jekyll
Now that Ruby is installed, installing Jekyll (and other gems) should be platform agnostic.
ℹ️ you may need to run commands prefixed bysudo
on non-Windows environments.ℹ️ You may need to logout / restart your terminal window to refresh paths.
Install Jekyll as follows, from a terminal window:
gem install jekyll bundler
Install site dependencies
To ensure the site has any other gems it depends on installed, make sure you're in the project folder root and run:
bundle update
Running the site
Now that everything is set up, you can run the site locally.
- Make sure you're in the project folder root and run:
jekyll serve
- Leave that terminal window open
- Head to your favourite web browser
The local site can be reached here: http://localhost:4000/
Well done, you're up and running!
Instructions not clear?
Raise a pull request with your changes!