Contact mail:
- Html document
- Basic Tags
- Form Element
- CSS Basics
- CSS Selectors
- New selectors
- Pseudo elements/classes: Hover: Before: after more…
- Box-sizing
- Shadow
- Border
- Column layout
- Element resize
- Gradient
- Font Face
- Media Queries, Responsive design
- Transformations
- Transitions
- Overview
- Implementation and Usages
- Combining CSS techniques
- UI component
- Introduction to Java Script
- Types
- Flow of Control
- Arrays
- Functions and Scope
- Simple nonfunctional Objects
- Events
- Forms
- Timers and Asynchronous programming
- JSON and XML
- Local Storage
- Set up Git
- GitHub Service
- Create a repository
- Fork a repository
- Extending objects
- Extending functions
- JavaScript Object Oriented
- ES6/7/8
- The Browser Object Model (if time permits)
- Event Handling (if time permits)
- Server Definitions
- IP structure, DNS
- Request / Response mechanism
- Headers
- Using jQuery’s AJAX Features
- JQueryLibrary Introduction
- JQuerybasics – document ready, callback functions
- JQuerystructure and components
- JQuerySelectors
- Traversing document elements
- Modifying CSS attributes
- Binding and unbinding events
- JQueryExtensions (Plugins)
- Messaging
- Web worker
- Sockets
- Canvas
- Geolocation
- Video/Audio
- PHP Installation and Configuration
- Serving HTML Page
- More
- Introduction
- Advantages
- Class And Object
- Functions And Constructors
- OOP Principles
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Setting up Environment
- PHPMyAdmin
- WorkBench
- Administration
- MySQLIntroduction
- Creating and Configure Database Schema
- MySQL Data Types
- Tables
- Relationships Between Tables
- Performing basic database operation (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
- Special column definition: Unique, Index, Auto increment, etc
- Advanced queries: Join, Union
- PHP PDO MySQL Connection
- Connect to Database
- Error Handling
- Running MySQL statements
- Using PHP parameters by location and named
- SQL Injection problem and fixes
- Caching (if time permits)
- Redis
Object Oriented PHP
- Classes
- Inheritance
- Access modifiers
- Static and abstract class
Design Patterns
- Singleton
- Factory
Frameworks (if time permits)
- Code igniter
- Introduction
- Destructuring & Spread
- Working With Classes
- Interfaces
- Inheritance
- Generics
- Modules And Namespaces
- Introduction
- Modules
- Components
- Angular Lifecycle
- Data Binding
- Directives
- Dependency Injection
- Observables
- CRUD operations using http service
- Authentication & Routing
- DOM Manipulation
- Introduction to Node.js
- What is Node and what is it not
- Node.js Features
- Our first Node.js script: Hello World
- Building a web server in Node.js
- Debugging node applications
- Building your Stack
- Pulling in other libraries
- Building custom libraries
- A-synchronicity and callbacks
- Blocking vs. non-blocking I/O
- Working within the event loop
- Modular JavaScript with Node.js
- Writing Modular JavaScript with Node.js
- Core Modules
- Installing Packages
- Publishing packages
- Avoiding common pitfalls with Async.js
- Introducing the Asynchronous problem
- Async.js Library to the rescue
- Collections
- Flow Controllers
- Working with the file system
- Files manipulations
- Folder manipulations
- Putting the file-system module together Async.js
- Building Web applications with the Express Framework
- Introduction to Express, installation and basic setup
- Application configuration
- Routing
- Views and Templating options
- Persistence with Cookies, In-Memory Sessions and session-stores
- Social Authentication with Passport.js
- Connecting MySQL Server
- Database connection
- A-synchronicity Queries from node.js
- Introduction to MongoDB
- What is MongoDB and Why?
- Installation and RoboMongo as Environment
- Core concepts
- Documentation
- Different deployment models
- CRUD and the MongoDB Shell
- Introduction to the MongoDB API and the core concepts of documents and collections
- Indexing and Schema Design
- Indexing, query profiling and the query optimizer
- Some schema design case studies
- Practice modeling various domains
- Schemas for atomic operations
- MongoDB and Node.js
- Tooling up – installing mongo, clients and drivers.
- Mongoose Schemas
- CRUD operations
- Single Page Applications with Express, Mongoose and Angular.js