Self-Care Center


I have created a simple program where users can receive randomly generated mantras and affirmations to assist them in their own self-care regimen. Users can also add their own mantras and affirmations to each respective list.

Installation Instructions:

To clone the program and get it up and running, first go to Fork the repository (top right hand side), and clone to the local machine by copying the SSH key and entering "git clone [SSH Key]" into the machine's terminal to create a local working repository. Open the application in the default internet browser by typing "open index.html" into the terminal.

To visit the site, click on this link: self care center

Preview of App:

Self Care


I am a current student at Turing School of Web Development and Design. After studying front-end development for 3 weeks, I was tasked with building this program. It took me several days to complete.


Anna's GitHub

Learning Goals:

  • Gain experience building an application that utilizes HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Write HTML and CSS to match a provided comp
  • Understand how to listen to and respond to user events
  • Individualize your programming skill set

Wins + Challenges:


  • Figured out how to optimize HTML elements
  • Asked for help when I got stuck on a particularly challenging part of the creation process
  • Gained experience with manipulating more complex CSS elements


  • Had trouble finding out where to begin coding. I resolved this by asking for advice from classmates.