Escape from Pleasantville - Level 5: The Medium

A Hyper Island school project.

Year: 2021.

Program: Front end developer.

Course module: Exploring code.

The game "Escape from Pleasantville" is part of the class project "Escape from Hyper Island". The whole class game consists of seven different worlds, with several levels in each world. My level is Level 5 in World 5, which we call "Escape from Pleasantville". Creating this game was part of the course module "Exploring code", in which we were encouraged to experiment with new technologies such as VR, AR and machine learning and think about aspects of the web experience that weren't necessarily related to code such as sound and light.

I decided to work with A-frame and AR.js. My level consists of a 3D environment where you solve tasks and to get out you get clues from AR-markers that you look at with your phone. The level is deployed on Github pages but the AR-part is on Glitch.

"Escape from Pleasantville" is a story about a main character, the player, who goes on a mission to find their missing loved one Alex. The story is told through a series of postcards and messages. The trail has led you to a bizarre little town called Pleasantville. When arriving to my level, called "The Medium", you are almost at the end of your journey, and it is here that you get your final answers.

Play the live version here:

Escape from Pleasantville

The Medium

Escape from Hyper Island (The whole game with all worlds from the start)

Tools and Tech stack:



Libraries used within A-frame:,,,,

AR-markers made in and AR.js Marker Training


Photo: "Lost in city of creativity" by Thomas Dacker on Unsplash

Music: "The Blind Cat" by Jerry Lacey courtesy of

3D models: Twisted pillar - Paul Simonnet, Table - Poly by Google, Chair - Poly by Google, Fireplace - Michael Pretz, Synth - Ron Millar, Pig - Poly by Google, Chandelier - Poly by Google, Mirror - Poly by Google, Bookcase - Angelina Gu, Door - Poly by Google

Links to the other levels in the Pleasantville universe: