
Backend repository for Bookworm shop

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Bookshop Project - Backend Repository

Demo: Bookworm Redux Shop

Project Title: Bookworm


Bookworm backend is an integral part of Bookworm full-stack e-commerce solution, developed to work with Redux and Node.js. This backend repository supports data management and server-side logic required for Bookworm application.
For more details about the frontend features, visit the frontend repository.

Key Features:

  • Robust and secure user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and bcryptjs for password hashing.
  • Efficient session management with express-session and connect-mongodb-session.
  • Enhanced security features including CORS, Helmet, and express-rate-limit to safeguard the application.
  • Use of Mongoose for MongoDB object modeling, providing a straightforward solution to manage database operations.
  • Implementing http-status-codes for more readable and maintainable response status codes.
  • Utilization of xss-clean to sanitize user input and prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • Integrated error handling with express-async-errors for a cleaner and more efficient codebase.

Technologies Used:

  • bcryptjs for password hashing.
  • connect-mongodb-session for MongoDB-based session storage.
  • cors for handling cross-origin resource sharing.
  • dotenv for managing environment variables.
  • express as the backbone of the Node.js server.
  • express-async-errors for simplified error handling in Express.
  • express-rate-limit for basic request rate limiting.
  • express-session for managing user sessions.
  • helmet for securing HTTP headers.
  • http-status-codes for using symbolic HTTP response status codes.
  • jsonwebtoken for generating JWTs for secure authentication.
  • mongoose for MongoDB object data modeling.
  • nodemon for automatic server restarts during development.
  • xss-clean for sanitizing user input against XSS.