You will find here the data files and scripts associated with the scientific paper: _Verbe et al. 2024. Flies tune the sensitivity of their multifunctional gyroscope, Current Biology, Volume 34, Issue 16, p3644-3653.e3, August 19, 2024.
Link: Verbe, A., Lea, K.M., Fox, J.L., and Dickerson, B.H. (2024). Flies tune the sensitivity of their multifunctional gyroscope. Current Biology, Volume 34, Issue 16, p3644-3653.e3, August 19, 2024., doi:
In File 'Fig1to4' run the python script ''
Data files are located in the file 'Fig1to4' in pickle format.
In File 'Fig5' run the python script ''
Data files are located in the file 'Fig5>data'
In File 'Fig6' run the Matlab script 'Figure6_Verbeetal.m'
Data files are located in the file 'Fig6'