Flies tune the activity of their multifunctional gyroscope

You will find here the data files and scripts associated with the scientific paper: _Verbe et al. 2024. Flies tune the sensitivity of their multifunctional gyroscope, Current Biology, Volume 34, Issue 16, p3644-3653.e3, August 19, 2024.

Link: Verbe, A., Lea, K.M., Fox, J.L., and Dickerson, B.H. (2024). Flies tune the sensitivity of their multifunctional gyroscope. Current Biology, Volume 34, Issue 16, p3644-3653.e3, August 19, 2024., doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.06.066

Fig. 1 to 4:

In File 'Fig1to4' run the python script 'Script_Fig1to4.py'

Data files are located in the file 'Fig1to4' in pickle format. 

Fig. 5:

In File 'Fig5' run the python script 'sacc_dec.py'

Data files are located in the file 'Fig5>data'

Fig. 6:

In File 'Fig6' run the Matlab script 'Figure6_Verbeetal.m'

Data files are located in the file 'Fig6'