
MOBA Single-player Game || Programming 1 (2020-2021)

Primary LanguagePython


Coursework 2 / Programming 1 (2020-2021)

Coded in Python, using the Tkinter GUI library

Having similar controls to the popular game "League of Legends", this game is designed to improve your MOBA mechanics by hitting skillshots and dodging enemies and projectiles in a fast-paced, arena-style environment.

Move using right-click, point your cursor over objects and press your 3 ability keys (Q, W, E) to kill enemies and improve your score.


Main Menu

Main Menu Image

Game Example

Game Example Image

Game Explanation

Game Explanation Image


Pause Image

Add Score to Leader Board

Add Score Image

Leader Board

Leader Board Image

Game Over

Game Over Image


Settings Image

Save Game

Save Image

Load Game

Load Image

Boss Key (to look productive)

Boss Image