
Template for develop application with AndroMDA maven plugin

Primary LanguageJava

    A n d r o M D A  -  3.2

    AndroMDA is an open-source MDA framework distributed under the BSD license.
    Go to http://www.andromda.org/ for more information.

    The project located in this directory has been generated by test
    using the andromdapp:generate Maven plugin.

    You should at least be running Maven 2.0.1 if you want to build your
    project without any Maven-related problems, below is a summary of what has
    been generated and a list of example goals to call from the command line.

    The generated project structure is well-tailored for use in the development
    of J2EE projects. The build process itself makes use of Maven, dependencies
    and often-used goals have been added for your convenience.

    Custom configuration can be done by updating the root pom.xml file.

    Magic Draw 11.5 is supported via its 'Export to EMF-UML2' feature. You'll notice
    that the andromda.xml is already configured to load these exported files. It expects
    that a model called 'testejb3' has been created within your Magic Draw model.
    Important: before launching AndroMDA, be sure to have exported your model.

    /testejb3 J2EE project
         |    The root of the project contains a few files that control the overall
         |    build process and common properties (in the pom.xml).
         |-- pom.xml
         |        contains information about this project, you may add more information
         |        as long as you do not violate the Maven POM schema, see
         |        http://maven.apache.org/reference/project-descriptor.htmlt
         +-- /mda
         |     |
         |     |    The MDA module is the heart of this project, this is where
         |     |    AndroMDA is configured to generate the files needed to
         |     |    assemble the application
         |     |
         |     +-- pom.xml
         |     |        contains the AndroMDA dependencies and configuration (cartridges, translation-libraries, etc)
         |     +-- /src
         |     |        additional sources such as merge-mappings can be
         |     |        placed here, check out the /main/uml directory, it contains
         |     |        the UML model from which AndroMDA will generate code
         |     +-- /src/main/config/andromda.xml
         |              configures AndroMDA and its components, most
         |              importantly the cartridges which are listed in
         |              their own namespace; global settings are done in the
         |              'default' namespace
         +-- /common
         |     |
         |     |    The COMMON module collects those resources and classes
         |     |    that are shared between the other modules.
         |     |
         |     +-- pom.xml
         |     |        lists common dependencies
         |     +-- /target
         |              shared resources and java classes are generated here,
         |              such as value objects and exceptions
         +-- /core
         |     |
         |     |    The CORE module collects those resources and classes
         |     |    that use the EJB framework
         |     |
         |     +-- pom.xml
         |     |        lists EJB[3.0] dependencies
         |     +-- /src/main/java
         |     |        EJB[3.0] classes that need manual implementation are
         |     |        generated here, they will not be overwritten upon
         |     |        regeneration
         |     +-- /target
         |              the EJB[3.0] classes here will be overwriten each time
         |              AndroMDA generates new code using the EJB[3.0] cartridge
         +-- /app
               |    The APP module collects those resources and classes
               |    that are required to actually build the .ear bundle
               +-- pom.xml
               |        lists dependencies to be bundles into the
               |        root of the .ear
               +-- /src
               |        any custom resources that should be deployed
               |        together with the application
               |        (eg. server deployment descriptors)
               +-- /target
                        a deployable application is bundled here

    In order to succesfully build your project you will need to know
    how to invoke the build process for the existing modules, here's a
    list of examples:

        %> mvn install

            simply builds all modules

        %> mvn -f app/pom.xml -Ddeploy

            collects all artifacts and builds a deployable .ear which is then

        %> mvn clean
            cleans all generated files from each target directory
        %> mvn install -Ddeploy

            rebuilds the entire application and deploys
        %> mvn install -Denv=prod

            builds the entire application for the production environment, possible 'env' property values
            are 'prod' for production, 'val' for validation and 'dev' for development; not specifying
            any value for this property will build the application for the local configuration
            (more info at http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html)

        %> mvn -f web/pom.xml andromdapp:undeploy -o

            undeploys the ear from your app server

        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dmodules=core (or mvn -f core/pom.xml)

            only build the core module

        %> mvn nuke

            cleans out all /target directories and removes all Java classes with names
            ending with 'Impl' from the source directories (from the common, core and
            web modules); this goal asks for confirmation, but be careful calling it
            anyway as you will lose your manually edited files

        %>  mvn -f core/pom.xml andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=create

            generates the DDL create code and subsequently tells the database
            to create the schema for the entities

        %> mvn -f core/pom.xml andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=drop

            generates the DDL drop code and subsequently tells the database
            to drop the schema for the entities
        %> mvn -f core/pom.xml andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=drop,create

            generates the drop and create DDL code and subsequently tells the database
            to drop and then create the schema for the entities

        %> mvn -f core/pom.xml andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=update

            attempts to update the database schema with incremental changes, might not work with all JDBC drivers
            see http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/v3/reference/en/html_single/#toolsetguide-s1-6

        %> mvn -f core/pom.xml andromdapp:schema -Dtasks=validate

            validates the current Hibernate mappings against the database, you can also use this to simply
            check whether or not the mappings have been properly generated (in case of customizations)

        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dmodules=mda:[andromda:start-server] (or mvn -f mda/pom.xml andromda:start-server)

            starts the AndroMDA server, with this server running you will be able
            to significantly speedup the generation process although it will require
            you to use another console while it is running

        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dmodules=mda:[andromda:stop-server] (or mvn -f mda/pom.xml andromda:stop-server)

            stops the AndroMDA server

        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dmodules=mda (or mvn -f mda/pom.xml)

            runs AndroMDA on your model and thereby generating files in
            the subdirectories of the existing modules

        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dmodules=mda -Dfilter=java,hibernate (or mvn -f mda/pom.xml -Dfilter=java,hibernate)

            runs AndroMDA, but this time only using the Java and Hibernate
            cartridges (in that order)

        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dmodules=mda -Dfilter=~java,hibernate (or mvn -f mda/pom.xml -Dfilter=~java,hibernate)

            runs AndroMDA, but this time using all cartridges *except*
            the Java and Hibernate cartridges

        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dmodules=mda,core,web,app -Dfilter=java -Ddeploy

            runs AndroMDA using only the Java cartridge, rebuilds the core
            module and web module and deploys afterwards
        %> mvn -N andromdapp:build -Dconsole
            runs the AndroMDApp build goal in 'console' mode, once running, this allows you to execute any goal or subproject
            goal in the manner described above without having to specify the andromdapp:build goal or 
            restarting maven (i.e. you can run the mda goal by typing 'mda', build the core module by type 'core', etc).

    Please note that you may use the '-o' flag at any time to avoid
    having Maven downloading any SNAPSHOT dependencies.

    Each module will install its artifact into the local Maven repository,
    this might be a directory looking like this:

        C:\Documents and Settings\test\.m2\repository\testejb3\


    For questions or feature requests please use our forum:

    Good luck!

        -- The AndroMDA Team