
A C function that reads any valid file line by line until the end.

get_next_line is a project at 42 that basically reads a file line by line. This project is frequently used in further projects.

What is it made for?

Disclaimer: There are so many easier methods of doing this by using standard C functions.
But the goal here is to be able to do it by using any functions from my libft and only the standard functions read, malloc and free.

I added a main file called main.c, it takes a file name as an argument, opens it and passes the file descriptor (fd) to get_next_line until get_next_line returns -1 or 0. Also I added main2.c, it takes two file names as an arguments, to show usage of multiple descriptors.

Note from subject:

get_next_line returns:
  • #f03c15 -1 an error has occurred
  • #1589F0 0 the reading of whole file has been completed
  • #c5f015 1 one line has been read

Download/clone this repo:

git clone

Get into it and build the library:

cd get_next_line make -C libft/

Build the executables:

gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -I./libft/includes/ -L./libft -lft -o gnl_1 get_next_line.c main.c

gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -I./libft/includes/ -L./libft -lft -o gnl_2 get_next_line.c main2.c

You can change main files at the end or write your own.


./gnl_1 test_1.txt

./gnl_2 test_1.txt text_2.txt