
My Master 2 internship work.

Primary LanguageR


This repository contains additional documents to my Master 2 thesis.

Four R scripts are available:

-- datasetFiltering.R # contains all the steps I followed to clean the eukaryotic metabarcoding data set

-- nmds.R # contains the R code for performing nmds

-- anosim.R # contains the R code for performing anosim

-- wgcna.R # contains the R code to perform all wgcna steps on the eukaryotic metabarcoding data set

Additional figures and tables:

-- moduleCompositionHighVip.ods # contains the composition in high VIP eukaryotic lineages of each module

-- oligoTestOutliersModuleTraitRelationships.pdf # module - environmental parameters correlation matrix when including upwelling samples

-- oligoTestOutliersGSvsMM.pdf # modules' structure correlation to carbon export when including upwelling samples

-- oligoSampleClusteringAndTraitHeatmap.pdf # dendrogram of oligotrophic samples and trait heatmap of each sample