React static list of posts

Demo link

Add link here: [DEMO LINK](https://<your_account><repo_name>/)


By using posts.js, users.js, and comments.js as modules to your React application, create and display a list of posts with the following data on each:

  1. the title of the post;
  2. the text (body) of the post;
  3. the name, email, and address of the author of the post;
  4. sublist of the post comments, including the name and email of the author of each comment as well as the comment itself.

Create and use five components: PostList, Post, User, CommentList, and Comment. You can use the User component from both Post (with address) and Comment (without providing any address).


  • Fork the repository with task
  • Clone forked repository
    git clone<user_name>/<task_repository>.git
  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Then develop

Development mode

  • Run npm start to start development server on http://localhost:3000 When you run server the command line window will no longer be available for writing commands until you stop server (ctrl + c). All other commands you need to run in new command line window.
  • Follow HTML, CSS styleguide
  • Follow the simplified JS styleguide
  • run npm run lint to check code style
  • When you finished add correct homepage to package.json and run npm run deploy
  • Add links to your demo in
    • [DEMO LINK](https://<your_account><repo_name>/) - this will be a link to your index.html
  • Commit and push all recent changes.
  • Create Pull Request from forked repo (<branch_name>) to original repo (master).
  • Add a link at PR to Google Spreadsheets.

Project structure

  • src/ - directory for css, js, image, fonts files
  • build/ - directory for built pages

You should be writing code in src/ directory.