
Software Product Development Team Project

Primary LanguageHTML


The Mission

To squirrel something away means to stow it someplace safe, especially for future use. Inspired by the squirrel and its notable habit of storing acorns for later, Squirrel Away aims to help users cache and manage an assortment of online resources from important links and forms to inspirational images and custom notes.

Click on the live link

Try out our site so you can test it for yourself. Squirrel Away

Check out our Mobile Compainion App

Check out the accompanying iOS Application Repository.

The Team

Anna Pawl
      Roles: Project Manager, Frontend Lead, UX and UI Designer
      Technologies: Node, Express, Handlebars, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Xd

Rinni Swift
      Roles: Lead iOs Developer, UX and UI Designer
      Technologies: Swift, Xcode, Adobe Xd

Kuan-Ying Fang
      Roles: Backend Lead, Git Master
      Technologies: MongoDB, Node.js, Express

Jason Romulus
      Roles: Backend Engineer
      Technologies: Node.js, AWS

Our File Structre

|-- models/                     # our models
        |-- auth.model.js
        |-- resource.model.js

|-- public/                     # assets and custom css
      |-- assest/
|-- routes/                     # routes
      |-- auth.routes.js
      |-- resource.routes.js

|-- views/                      # handlebars templates
      |-- partials/
|-- server.js                   # server
|-- README.md
|-- squirrel.html


To be added

User Journeys

As a student with mediocre organization skills and a proclivity for too many tabs, Squirrel Away really helps me store a myriad of links, along with helpful comments to remind me why I was looking at them in the first place.

Built With

Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Xd: These are used for design graphics.
Handlebars: This is the frontend templete engine.
MongoDB: This is for the backend server.
Node.js: This is a flavor of javascript.
Swift: Apple's mobile programing languange for iOS
AWS (Amazon Web Services): We are using this to host and save documents for the project.

Using Locally

When you clone this to your computer you will need to install the dependecies.
To install all the dependices at once please run npm install.
Once that is finsihed you can type nodemon server.js and the server will say "Listening on 3000".
When you need to kill the server run the command Ctrl + C.


Dont be afraid to contact us if you have a question about this project. Make an issue if you see something.