
🎞️🍿 ReactJS Movie Web App using The Movie Database(TMDB) Open API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📽️ Movee

🎯 About Project

MOVEE movie application is an app where you will get information and list of now playing movies, popular, detail movie & list favorite movies page. The application content is powered bt TMDB API.

🌎 Live Demo

Here is a working live demo : https://movee-react-app.vercel.app/

🎨 Prototype

Screenshot 2022-11-28 181708

Here is the link for the UI design : Figma


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/Capstone-Group3-Mentutor/Front-End.git
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install


npm start


Technologies i used to build this are ReactJS, CSS, Tailwind, Redux, React-router TMDB(The movie database) API

  • use redux to store favorite movies
  • Add dark mode feature to add more good user experience on your website
  • Use react-router-dom v6 to create new route for detail page
  • Use Functional Components & Hooks
  • Props to pass some data from component to component with ease.

Features to be added

  • create tv show and movie pages.
  • added a similar movie on the detail page.
  • added movie trailers.
  • Making the code more cleaner and readable.