
I built a tool where you input a natural language description of an automation workflow and it generates the workflow on n8n (Generates a JSON representation that you can copy and paste into the canvas)

n8n AI workflow maker


What is this?

This is a tool where you input a natural language description of an automation workflow and it generates the workflow on n8n (Generates a JSON representation that you can copy and paste into the canvas) You can try it out here: https://tally.so/r/wM1bl0

The purpose of this project was to create an educational example of how to create complex GPT workflows which outputs are deterministic. Hopefully the n8n community and automation community in general will get more involved in AI and some collaboration can be achieved.

Project parts

Main n8n workflow


Embedding Store Creation REPL


Pinecone vector store


N8n node-list JSON

If node parameters workflow


Resource/operation parameters workflow


How to use/explore?

Open the main JSON, it includes a walkthrough of the different stages. You can checkout the main prompt structures there as well as the main logic to create the n8n JSON for each generation.

Steps before running the workflow:

  1. Create Pinecone account and get API keys (free)
  2. Run the Embedding Store Creation REPL in your own Pinecone account
  3. Create a Firestore account
  4. Edit the three workflows in n8n_data_workflows to use the node-list and generate the parameter DB in your firestore instance

To visualize the workflow: Just copy and paste each the whole contents of the JSON file into the n8n workflow editor. (https://app.n8n.cloud/dashboard)

After that you can explore the rest of the files included. If more people show interest I will document their usage better!