In this work, the Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is used considering the kernelization of the metric with local adaptive distances (VKFCM-K-LP) under three types of strategies to deal with missing data, Whole Data Strategy (WDS), Partial Distance Strategy (PDS) and Optimal Completion Strategy (OCS).
Example with the iris dataset with 5% missings
- In a file with a .sh extension, the following arguments are passed
./vkfcm-k-lp r-iris5.txt iris.par iris.sig idx-iris5.txt- vkfcm-k-lp: run the executable on linux for example
- missing dataset
- r-iris5.txt: is the name of the file that will store the results
- iris.par: is the simulation configuration file
- iris.sig: is a file with sigma values
- idx-iris5.txt: is a file to store the values of the CR, F-Measure and OERC indexes of each repetition.
- The iris.par file must have the following structure
150 5 3 2.0 300 1e-10 100- 150: is the number of observations
- 5: is the number of variables
- 2.0: is the fuzzy exponent
- 300: is the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm
- 1e-10: is the tolerance for convergence
- 100: is the number of repetitions.
- To execute the OCS strategy it is necessary to add the bdimput5.txt argument in the .sh file
./vkfcm-k-lp r-iris5.txt iris.par iris.sig idx-iris5.txt bdimput5.txt- bdimput5.txt: is the complete dataset with missings imputed by the OCS strategy.