Optimized packages for ES6 and TypeScript Node.js Lambda functions without any configuration.
- 0
- 4
Upgrade dependencies
#374 opened by gligorkot - 0
Maybe an error when using middy library
#373 opened by JuanvictorO - 1
No detail webpack error when bundling or deploying
#327 opened by Cyberuben - 1
Jest upgrade to v27 or higher
#355 opened by alexsedano010 - 5
Typescript v5.0 Support
#360 opened by jonioni - 2
Forcing include of the "aws-sdk" package
#364 opened by dariodjuric - 0
Support yarn berry
#371 opened by phongvuhyuet - 3
The default of forceExclude is broken from Lambda with Node.js 18 runtime
#361 opened by laurentperroteau - 0
spawn EINVAL error
#372 opened by Oleks777 - 2
flaky webpack compilation error
#285 opened by mishabruml - 0
When using esbuild and sourcemaps, any resulting error messages do not utilize the sourcemap.
#370 opened by doulighan - 2
Initial setup, sourcemap error
#304 opened by k-funk - 0
- 2
- 2
Eslint error when packaging
#310 opened by codan84 - 1
- 5
- 1
lambda node-18 broke aws-sdk v2
#353 opened by dchocoboo - 0
- 0
serverless package.patterns or package.include not working with serverless-bundle
#363 opened by tachyon83 - 3
Add `babel-plugin-transform-typescript-metadata` plugin
#333 opened by darbio - 3
- 3
How make sourcemaps run...
#298 opened by TheMechanic - 8
Error importAssertions
#316 opened by robertocerdasilva - 2
Other loaders.
#359 opened by gabquelyn - 0
Add support for `extensionAlias`
#358 opened by PSoltes - 2
Memory issues with Serverless-Bundle v5
#342 opened by justinasit - 0
forceExclude not working
#356 opened by hugobcar - 3
Error when packaging service: Unable to find Webpack configuration - bundle version 5.3.0
#293 opened by jonathanbravecredit - 0
Not bundling iyzico even after force include
#351 opened by gabquelyn - 2
Webpack update changes only after a long time
#349 opened by IgorAlexeew - 2
- 0
add optimize option to default config
#348 opened by andreilarin - 0
Class private methods not supported
#332 opened by Pixcell - 1
minifyOptions in README incorrectly documented
#331 opened by henhal - 0
Generate source maps but dont include in the .zip-file
#330 opened by severi - 4
Failing with `ES Modules may not assign module.exports or exports.*, Use ESM export syntax, instead`
#297 opened by arthurliebhardt - 1
How to disable minification?
#329 opened by mox1 - 2
Lambda hashing not working
#309 opened by sweepy84 - 1
Error when importing node-fetch
#305 opened by chanan - 0
source-map-resolve has been marked as deprecated
#320 opened by lepirlouit - 5
- 0
#315 opened by JJHDoubleD - 0
Unused imports included in the bundle
#314 opened by roshen-ideabits - 1
Dynamically importing @aws-sdk client modules
#308 opened by henhal - 4
Add minify options
#286 opened by jurajmatus - 2
Sourcemaps with typescript struggle
#299 opened by Dashue - 0
Failing with unknown error
#295 opened by adamf321 - 0
unneeded files cannot be excluded
#283 opened by pkit