
A small "book" about creating sandbox sites.

MIT LicenseMIT

Sandbox Websites

A small "book" about building engaging and safer web spaces.

The "SBC" community has grown largely this last three years, and it brought a big issue; many people wanted to make websites for other people.

Those self-proclaimed "developers" though, mainly knew the basics of web development which is good, but not enough.

This brought an even bigger issue; security, data compliance, ad revenue, maintenance, chargebacks... you know, the responsibilities of a Sysadmin (cough an outdated one cough).

Normally the lifespan of a "bad" website tends to be like this;

1. Idea appears. "Developer" will make a public announcement that he's starting a site.
2. Hats and cosmetics are created wayy before any site is in sight.
3. Development or Administration team is full of kids.
4. The sneak peaks of the website are just HTML
5. Either they hold the discord for years with no updates or they close, just to start the loop again.

There are MUCH WORSE examples of this that have become very common... (Uxhill dear god), luckily they are still relatively uncommon... relatively.

In this book, you'll learn the proper procedures to succesfully learning how to make a Sandbox Website.


Table of Contents:

  1. Beginnings