
i3 dotfiles and installation scripts

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Table of contents


currently auto installation is only supported for arch linux and arch based distros. clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/Anomic-cr/i3_dotfiles.git

And run the installation script

python install.py

and you should be good to go

Manual Installation

Install the dependencies and copy the config files


i3-gaps, sddm, betterlockscreen, i3status-git, i3blocks-git, alacritty, rofi-git, neofetch-git, polybar-git, dunst-git, feh-git, nitrogen, picom, lxappearance, xorg, xorg-xinit, xorg-server, qt5, oh-my-zsh, zsh

Optional Dependencies

 neovim,vs code, python-pynvim, zsh zsh-completions,zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-history-substring-search, zsh-history-substring-search-git, xclip maim, neofetch uwufetch, awesome-fonts-git, htop, nerd-fonts-complete-git, noto-fonts-emoji-git, noto-fonts-cjk-git, noto-fonts-extra-git, noto-fonts-extra-cjk-git, noto-fonts-mono-git, noto-fonts-symbols-git,

and now run the following cammands to copy the config files to your home directory

cp -r config ~/.config/
cp .bashrc ~/.bashrc
cp .zshrc ~/.zshrc
cp .Xresources ~/.Xresources
cp .xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
cp .local ~/.local
cp gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0
cp -r wallpapers/* ~/Pictures/wallpapers/

Set your sddm theme

git clone https://github.com/keyitdev/sddm-astronaut-theme.git
sudo cp /usr/share/sddm/themes/sddm-astronaut-theme/Fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/
echo "[Theme]
    Current = sddm-astronaut-theme" | sudo tee /etc/sddm.conf

Enable sddm service

sudo systemctl enable sddm.service

and then reboot your system


Image Image Image Image Image

Key Bindings

Action Shortcut
Terminal Mod + Enter
Browser Mod + b
Floating mode Mod + Shift + space
Resize Mod + r
Move Mod + Shift + aroow/jkl;
rofi Mod + q
Foucs Mod + arrow keys
vertical split Mod + v
horizontal split Mod + h
fullscreen Mod + f
Switch to workspace Mod + 1-8
Screenshot print screen
Screenshot active window Mod + print screen