
Health++ is an application that helps user to manage their diet and calories consumption.

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Health++ is an application that helps user to manage their diet and calories consumption. It provides a common platform for dieticians and their patients, so that they can manage a proper diet. It also generates personalized infographics so that user properly understands his nutrition level.

Run deployed website

Deployed at Heroku: img (Click this image)

Run locally

Clone the Repository using:

git clone --single-branch --branch local https://github.com/AnonySharma/Django-HealthPlusPlus.git
cd Django-HealthPlusPlus

Basic Setup:
(Run this to use shell shortcuts)

chmod +x s.sh

Create virtual environment:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv

source venv/bin/activate (for linux)
./venv/scripts/activate (for windows)

Install required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup the database:
In the following code, replace <USER> with any username of your choice.
In the following code, replace <PASS> with any password of your choice.

mysql -u root -p
create database HPP_database;
create user '<USER>'@'localhost' identified by '<PASS>';
grant usage on *.* to '<USER>'@'localhost';
grant all priveleges on HPP_database.* to '<USER>'@'localhost';

Setup settings.py
(Replace the following code in settings.py)
In the following code, replace <USER> with the username you created above.
In the following code, replace <PASS> with the password you created above.

'default': {
    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
    'NAME' : 'HPP_database',
    'USER' : '<USER>',
    'PASSWORD' : '<PASS>',
    'HOST' : 'localhost',

Then make migrations:

./s.sh make
python3 manage.py makemigrations

Then migrate the migrations:

./s.sh mig
python3 manage.py migrate

Then create a super-user:

./s.sh sup
python3 manage.py createsuperuser

Then run the server:

./s.sh run
python3 manage.py runserver


Please contribute if you find our project interesting.