
Volume controller for MagicMirror

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Volume controller for MagicMirror




cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone https://github.com/eouia/MMM-Volume



  module: "MMM-Volume",
  position: "top_left", // It is meaningless. but you should set.
  config: {
    usePresetScript: "ALSA", // "ALSA" is supported by default.
    volumeOnStart: 50,

Details & Defaults (For Experts)

  module: "MMM-Volume",
  position: "top_left", // It is meaningless. but you should set.
  config: {
    usePresetScript: "ALSA",
    // When set to `null`, `getVolumeScript` and `setVolumeScript` will be used directly. See the experts section.
    // For available presetScript, See `presetScript{}`

    upDownScale: 5,
    // for VOLUME_UP or VOLUME_DOWN.

    volumeOnStart: 10,
    // If you set this, this volume will be applied on start of MagicMirror

    volumeText: "Vol: #VOLUME#%",
    // Showing volume.

    hideDelay: 2000,
    // After X milliseconds from showing, volume gain-meter will be disappeared.

    fadeDelay: 200,
    // If the volume is restored with a fade effect this time in milliseconds will be waited between to scales

    telegramMessages: {
      CUR_VOLUME : "Current Volume is *#VOLUME#*.",
      SET_VOLUME : "Setting Volume to *#VOLUME#*",
      INVALID : "Invalid parameters. `/vol` or `/vol 0~100` is allowed."

    // Usually You might not need to modify belows; Only for Experts.

    getVolumeScript: ``, //get 0~100
    setVolumeScript: ``, //set 0~100
    // volume control scripts for Other systems. If you set null to `usePresetScript`, these fields will be used instead.

     presetScript: {
      "OSX": {
        getVolumeScript: `osascript -e 'output volume of (get volume settings)'`, // get 0~100
        setVolumeScript: `osascript -e 'set volume output volume #VOLUME#'` // set 0~100
      "ALSA": {
       getVolumeScript: `amixer sget 'PCM' | awk -F"[][]" '{print ""$2""}' | grep %  | awk '{gsub ( /%/, "" ) ; print}'`, // get 0~100
        setVolumeScript: `amixer sset -M 'PCM' #VOLUME#%`, //set 0~100
      "HIFIBERRY-DAC": {
        getVolumeScript: `amixer sget 'Digital' | grep -E -o '[[:digit:]]+%' | head -n 1| sed 's/%//g'`, // get 0~100
        setVolumeScript: `amixer sset -M 'Digital' #VOLUME#%`, // set 0~100
      "PULSE": {
        getVolumeScript: `amixer get Master  | awk -F"[][]" '{print ""$2""}' | grep %  | awk 'NR==1{print $1}' | awk '{gsub(/%/,"") ; print}'`, // get 0~100
        setVolumeScript: `amixer set Master #VOLUME#% -q`, // set 0~100
        getVolumeScript: `amixer -M sget Speaker | grep -E -o '[[:digit:]]+%' | head -n 1| sed 's/%//g'`, // get 0~100
        setVolumeScript: `amixer -M sset Speaker #VOLUME#%`, // set 0~100
        getVolumeScript: `amixer -M sget Playback | grep -E -o '[[:digit:]]+%' | head -n 1| sed 's/%//g'`, // get 0~100
        setVolumeScript: `amixer -M sset Playback #VOLUME#%`, // set 0~100

    notifications: {
    // You can redefine notifications if you need.


By Notification

notification payload description
VOLUME_GET - Getting current volume
VOLUME_SET 0 - 100 Setting Volume to number. 0 is mute and 100 is maximum
VOLUME_UP {upDownScale: NUMBER} or null for default value Volume up by upDownScale
VOLUME_DOWN {upDownScale: NUMBER} or null for default value Volume down by upDownScale
VOLUME_STORE null or 0-100 Storing current volume and setting the volume to number.
If payload be null, volume will not be changed. (just stored)
VOLUME_RESTORE {faded:true or false; upDownScale:NUMBER} Setting volume with stored previously

If volume is changed or VOLUME_GET is called, the current volume as result will be notified by CURRENT_VOLUME notification with payload=0-100.

By MMM-TelegramBot

command description
/vol Getting Current Volume
/vol NUMBER Setting Volume to NUMBER(0-100)


See MMM-Volume.css


Not fully tested on RPI. I'm waiting your bug report.