=============== TITLE =============== This driver supports the following USB chipsets: rtl8723b, rtl8723du, rtl8723fu, rtl8725au, rtl8761au, rtl8192ee, rtl8812ae, rtl8761aw, rtl8761bu, rtl8821a, rtl8821cu, rtl8822bu, rtl8822cu, rtl8852au. This driver supports the following UART chipsets: rtl8723b, rtl8723d, rtl8723fs, rtl8725as, rtl8761a, rtl8761at, rtl8192ee, rtl8761b, rtl8821a, rtl8821c, rtl8822b, rtl8822cs, rtl8852as. The document describes how to support Realtek Bluetooth UART and USB driver in Linux system. =============== REQUIREMENT =============== The supported kernel version is 2.6.32 - 5.7.1 ============================= QUICKLY INSTALL AUTOMATICALLY ============================= $ sudo make install INTERFACE=all or $ sudo make install INTERFACE=usb or $ sudo make install INTERFACE=uart =============== FOR UART I/F =============== -The default serial protocol of Realtek Bluetooth chip is Three-wire (H5) protocol. -The default initial baud rate is 115200. -Installation To support Three-wire (H5) protocol, you need to install Realtek hci_uart driver and rtk_hciattach tool. 1. Make sure your UART setting is correct. host tx - controller rx host rx - controller tx host rts - controller cts host cts - ground ( host cts - controller rts ) // for RTL8822C and RTL8761B NC - controller rts 2. Install Bluetooth kernel driver and rtk_hciattach tool $ cd uart $ sudo make install 3. Copy the right FW file and config file to the correct path. $ sudo mkdir -p /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ $ sudo cp rtkbt-firmware/lib/firmware/rtlbt/rtl8xxxx_fw /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ $ sudo cp rtkbt-firmware/lib/firmware/rtlbt/rtl8xxxx_config /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ NOTE: PLEASE REFER THE FORWARD SECTION OF FILENAME LIST TO CORRESPONDE THE FW FILENAME AND THE CONFIG FILENAME WITH THE CHIP. 3. Initialize Realtek Bluetooth chip by rtk_hciattach $ sudo rtk_hciattach -n -s 115200 ttyUSB0 rtk_h5 Tips: ttyUSB0 is serial port name in your system, you should change it according to hardware such as ttyS0. -Uninstallation $ sudo make uninstall - If you want to change the parameter such as baud rate and pcm settings, you should modify rtl8xxx_config file. =============== FOR USB I/F =============== -Installation 1. Build and install USB driver, change to the driver direcotory $ cd usb $ sudo make install 2. Copy the right FW file and config file to the correct path. $ sudo cp rtkbt-firmware/lib/firmware/rtl8xxxxx_fw /lib/firmware/ $ sudo cp rtkbt-firmware/lib/firmware/rtl8xxxxx_config /lib/firmware/ NOTE: PLEASE REFER THE FORWARD SECTION OF FILENAME LIST TO CORRESPONDE THE FW FILENAME AND THE CONFIG FILENAME WITH THE CHIP. 3. Insert Realtek Bluetooth dongle Check LMP subversion by the following command $ hciconfig -a Now RTK chip can be recognized by the system and bluetooth function can be used. -Uninstallation $ sudo make uninstall =============== FILENAME LIST =============== Chip I/F FW/Config Path FW Filename Config Filename for BT driver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RTL8761AUV USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8761au_fw rtl8761a_config RTL8761AW USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8761aw_fw rtl8761aw_config (RTL8761AW +RTL8192EU) RTL8761AUV USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8761au8192ee_fw rtl8761a_config +RTL8192EE RTL8761AUV USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8761au8192ee_fw rtl8761a_config +RTL8812AE RTL8761ATV UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8761a_fw rtl8761a_config RTL8761ATV +RTL8192EE UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8761at8192ee_fw rtl8761a_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8761BUV USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8761bu_fw rtl8761bu_config RTL8761BTV UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8761b_fw rtl8761b_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8725AU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8725au_fw rtl8725au_config RTL8725AS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8725as_fw rtl8725as_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8723BU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8723b_fw rtl8723b_config RTL8723BE RTL8723BS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8723b_fw rtl8723b_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8821AU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8821a_fw rtl8821a_config RTL8821AE RTL8821AS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8821a_fw rtl8821a_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8822BU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8822bu_fw rtl8822bu_config RTL8822BE RTL8822BS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8822b_fw rtl8822b_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8723DU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8723du_fw rtl8723du_config RTL8723DE RTL8723DS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8723d_fw rtl8723d_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8821CU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8821cu_fw rtl8821cu_config RTL8821CE RTL8821CS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8821c_fw rtl8821c_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8822CU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8822cu_fw rtl8822cu_config RTL8822CE RTL8822CS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8822cs_fw rtl8822cs_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8723FU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8723fu_fw rtl8723fu_config RTL8723FE RTL8723FS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8723fs_fw rtl8723fs_config ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTL8852AU USB /lib/firmware/ rtl8852au_fw rtl8852au_config RTL8852AE RTL8852AS UART /lib/firmware/rtlbt/ rtl8852as_fw rtl8852as_config -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------