
This is my attempt to solve some problems of this project, http://codeeval.com, using the python language. The target is to solve as many as I can, and keep the time consumed by each script below 10 seconds.

Primary LanguagePython

Code Eval Solutions

About Code Eval

Code Eval is a website to challenge programmers with programming problems intended to help you to improve your programming skills.

About this repository

There is my attempt to solve some challenge of this project, using the Python language. The target is to solve as many as I can, and keep the time consumed by each script below 10 seconds (at that point the script is interrupted by Code Eval).


There are 3 directories, easy/, moderate/ and hard/ corresponding with the level of the challenges in the website. Inside of each hone are two types of files, the *.py2 and *.py3 files are the ones with the code and the *.txt files are those which contains the inputs to test the code.

About Cheating

Don't cheat! If you cheat, you only fool yourself! If you can't do it, you can not do it, that's all! Almost you tried, and if you keep learning and studying, maybe one day you can solve those challenge that seemed so hard a few early.

Be proud of what you have achieved instead, even if is little. Especially if your math and programming skills or education is not so vast (as in my case). I'm very proud to have solved all of this challenge without cheating or copy another else's solutions. That's the right attitude.

But, once you have a solution, you can learn a lot from the solutions of others. That's the purpose of this repository too. Maybe you couldn't learn a lot from my solutions, maybe even you can laugh of the most naive ones, but doesn't matter, be humble and remember that even the most idiot can teach you always something. The second purpose is to have a online backup of this code, some challenge were hard to break and I would hate to loose this code.

The most important thing isn't the Code Eval's rank that you achieve or the number of challenge that you solved, the most important thing is what you have learned in the process!